Best ways to meet Colombian women
I'll tell you about the best ways you, as a foreigner can maximize your opportunities to meet beautiful Colombian women
“How should I approach Colombian girls?” That’s a question a lot of people always asked me, I can’t tell you how often. My friends, today I would like to tell you some insights and experience I have gain by going in dates with Colombian women and experience from some friends.
When going on dates, everything happened very organically, I mean, in university almost every weekend there was a party going on so if I liked a girl, it was easy to invite her to go, her group of friends also showed up, drink some beers and go to the night clubs. Now, it was university and you know how it is, you meet a lot of people even if you don’t try.
Imagine you and your friends in a night club, surrounded by attractive women…
I used to be shyer and more reserved, but I understood that dancing and music is a big part in the art of flirting with a Colombian girl. There’s even a popular believe stating that if a man knows how to dance, he is really good in bed. I learned the basic moves, dancing merengue is easy, regueton even easier, practice on your salsa moves. And don’t be shy, just ask a girl to dance with you and tell her “I’m just learning to dance but I would kill myself if I didn’t dance with you…”.
Congratulations, you broke the ice and now have a chance with her. Personally, I don’t engage in too much talking while dancing, music is loud and you’re there to dance, your moment to prove yourself, not necessarily as a good dancer but as a guy with enough confidence to ask her to dance with you. At this point is a numbers game, dance with as many women you can, improve, and enjoy the music. Obviously, when you find a girl you feel a connection with, invite her a drink or make some excuse to have the opportunity to speak with her.
Colombian girls aren’t different from any other women, play your cards, make yourself interesting and always listen to her life stories.
Hear me out, one-night stands happen but don’t be naïve, you need to be smart about it, always think with your big head, always remember about insecurity and that there are criminals that use hot women to seduce you to rob you. If you’re going with friends and they introduce you some close friends you can be a little be more certain that its everything fine, but when meeting strangers, ALWAYS play safe.
Now, meeting women in night clubs is not the only option, think outside the box and remember what I told you: dancing is a big part of any Latina, join a dancing school. You’ll meet ladies there that share your same interest. What about the gym? Of course, but from what I’ve seen nowadays everyone goes to the gym just to have time for themselves and probably will be more difficult to cold approach. But don’t be shy, remember is a numbers game, the more women you talk, more probabilities you can get someone you like on a date.
Here is a great insight I have seen from gringo friends that have a lot of dates with tons of beautiful girls:
Instagram is the greatest dating site in the world, period.
My advice for you, optimize your Instagram profile, make yourself interesting: pay for a professional photoshoot, a few of you traveling (trust me on that), and showing that you are a interesting guy. This strategy to work your profile needs to be on point. After that you can do two strategies: cold approach in real life, you can try this strategy that the one an only Top G explained in this video
The other strategy is exactly what you are thinking, just follow them, send some messages, and start to get some girls interested on you. I have seen this work with my gringo friends, just remember that their profiles were on point, quality pictures and presenting you as an interesting guy.
Now, Tinder I would say to have be more precautious about it. Remember, security is always the number one priority, and you need to be aware of that. Some people use Tinder to approach naïve men that are thirsty to guy on dates.
I have a guide that explains in more detail how to identify how and when they are using you, it will help you to navigate the dating market in Colombia with more clarity, click here to check it out.
Understand this, even if a woman is hot she might be part of a criminal band organized to rob people. Don’t be fooled, be smart about the decisions you make and with who you’re meeting with.
Colombia is full of amazing and beautiful people, I know you want to go out and meet some girls, practice your game and your Spanish. Remember this, if you were not born here and think you are not street smart, try to find the red flags that women have.
I have talked of some strategies and ways to find quality women here and the guide can help you understand more how everything works:
Just remember my friends: enjoy your time in Colombia, I’m here to show you my experiences as a native and as your friend. I truly believe in Colombia and want everyone to enjoy it without being lost in the meantime.
Till the next time, amigos.