Cultural Differences in Business for American and Colombian Entrepreneurs
From my experience creating a Twitter account and this Substack, I have noticed a substantial difference in the way business is conducted between Colombians and Americans.
As a Colombian, I can say that it's not a lack of education or ingenuity that holds us back, but rather the belief that money can be made honestly. Hitmen earn $200 a month.
I make that in a week without knowing English. If a hitman knew they could make the same amount as me without knowing English, by using the internet or ChatGPT to improve their writing, they could earn much more than me.
But that's not the only difference. It's also important to note that Americans see making money as very easy. I have spoken to several people who want to invest in Colombia, and I help them find people, etc. But they make everything seem so easy. Many of them want me to be their partner, and it's impressive to see how they view business. It's an incredible skill. Everything seems effortless.
Thanks to them, I believe I can make $1 million. The plan seems easy. Obviously, I know it's difficult, but the way they view business makes it possible for us to earn $1 million. Their explanations and simplicity are unmatched. No one has those skills.
Sometimes the average Colombian thinks the American dream is to arrive in the US and magically make money by having two jobs, being a slave. Americans have a mindset that always makes them the owners of the business. They find the simplest solution to make more money.
I have two partners from whom I am learning a lot, and even though the way they talk about business makes earning a lot of money very viable, what excites me the most is learning from them. The way they explain things, sometimes I feel like an idiot for struggling so much for money when in reality, it's not that difficult to earn.
They have opened my mind to making a lot of money. That's why I want to mention another fundamental difference between the Colombian and American approach to business. We work very hard to earn very little money. We complicate everything. Perhaps the same need for money prevents us from seeing the most viable and easiest ways to make money.
That's something we have to learn from them. They see money and make money very easily, while being honest and positive. Of course, they work hard, but in a very viable way. In contrast, we believe that making money is not possible in an honest way, and we also exert too much effort to earn little money.
They know how to scale money, they know how to iterate quickly, they know how to make money, and we need to learn that skill.