How to avoid being robbed by taxi drivers in Colombia?
In Colombia there is a taxi mafia in almost every city. That is why they want to cancel all mobility applications in Colombia.
You can use uber and Didi in the main cities. In the cities of the coast, more Indriver is used.
What is the problem? The taxi drivers charge what they want depending on the distances or depending on whether you are a cachaco or a gringo.
Cachaco are people from Bogota who always steal every time they travel to the coast haha
For a Colombian, any person with blonde hair is a foreigner and that is why they decide to charge more than what it costs.
Besides, the gringos have no indigenous malice. In other words, Colombians see gringos as easy to steal as very innocent or stupid.
So what you have to keep in mind is always using uber, didi or any mobility app because the prices are fixed there.
Something additional is that you should try to contact a local and pay him well to negotiate for you in some establishments or with the same taxi drivers.
Hopefully in each city you visit you have a local that supports you both to get around and to buy something very specific that is not in a physical establishment because they will charge you much more.
I do not recommend using public transport because they usually steal there. No transmilenio or buses. Don't save on it.
Don't save on public transportation. ALWAYS in a car, rented or with applications.
I met a French woman who went to the airport by bus and I thought it was crazy haha.
Don't save on those things. Everything could turn out worse. Always pay for your security, everything is cheap here.
Always uber, didi or a taxi that is negotiated in advance by a local.
The local Colombian has to ask for the taxi first and say where he is going and ask how much the ride costs. Then you get on and they take you.
If you have problems with that, I can do it for you, I'll speak for you about anything you need, I'll book you in advance.
If they know you are a gringo they will rob you and charge you more.
Keep it in mind.