Is crazy the amount of people that regard Latinas as the most beautiful women they have ever seen, specially Colombian women. And is true, beauty here is a well known aspect of women here. If you are a foreigner you probably would want to meet, hook up or just meet women here.
The real problem lies here, criminals are always two steps ahead of you and if you are foreigner without a really good understanding of how everything works here, you are an easy target.
This reminds me of the story of the Mata Hari, a Dutch exotic dancer that was a spy for the Germans during First World War. She took advantage of her beauty and the fact that she was an exotic dancer, she was able to gain valuable information and get to speak with high ranks of the military.
Some say she was a double agent, others say she wasn’t really a good spy and just was involved in an intricate political web.
Point being here, beauty is always used for deception. Mata Hari wasn’t the first nor the last, sometimes men dont really think straight when having the option to know a really hot and interesting new girl. Here lies the problem.
Maybe using Tinder you think the biggest problem is getting catfished, but that’s not really my main concern of Tinder in Colombia. Here you always think about security first, remember Colombia is a great country, beautiful place and hard working people, but criminals are all around and will use any method to rob you.
Scopolamine has been used for long time ago, and criminals will use it on Colombians or gringos, they don’t really care who to rob. But they are smart and know that foreigners are hoping to hook up with hot girls, and they use Tinder for that purpose.
I get it, maybe is hard to get in your mind that a really cute young women can be involved in such a criminal world, but they are. Your are just someone who can take advantage of, they will use their beauty, personality and good looks to infiltrate into your life… Mata Hari style.
If she is willing to use scopolamine on you, she’s a criminal, she dont really care about consequences. And probably form part in a criminal ring dedicated to that, and don’t be surprised if his boyfriend is part of it also…
I used Tinder in Colombia, many friends also used it. You can use it too, but just be aware of all the dangers of it. My main concern is how naive some foreigners are and that’s why I like to say think straightforward. Be more cautious about it, dont take people you don’t know to your apartment and always tell someone you know about who you are going to be.
I always says, if it’s too good to be true, doubt about it. If you use Tinder and you are not sure about your security, please send the profile to a Colombian friend and he will tell you. If you dont know someone, send it to me via Twitter. I want to everyone have a good time and just be safe to enjoy Colombia.
If you want to know more about scopolamine and how it works and avoid to getting rob by it, please see this guide I write for your information: