Elections are less than two years away. Next year will practically be all about campaigning. Journalist Vicky Dávila has announced her candidacy. She’s been one of the main voices exposing Petro’s corruption scandals. In fact, Petro hates her, but beyond that, I don’t see a Milei or a Bukele emerging in Colombia.
This is particularly because no one in Colombia embodies the strong traits associated with the far-right. Colombia is a country that pretends to be very decent, and I believe that’s the issue. You can’t afford to be “decent” in a country flooded with drugs, prostitution, violence, and insecurity.
I’m not saying this to scare the gringo tourist but to tell them that the Colombia they know is perfect, and they’ll almost never experience any threats. Unless, of course, you start dating women in Medellín and end up dying from scopolamine. But I’m speaking about the average Colombian, who has to take public transportation to get to work and earns less than $500 a month. That’s tough, and in that scenario, they experience a very problematic Colombia.
The issue isn’t that a Bukele or Milei doesn’t exist in Colombia; the issue is that if they do, their way of campaigning is boring.
For example, I made these "Make Colombia Great Again" caps, and for my subscribers, I’m offering them for $10 if they order today at this link: bowtiedcolombia.gumroad.com/l/makecolombiagreatagain.
What I mean is that you may like or dislike TRUMP and his "Make America Great Again" campaign, but doubting his ability to do business and market himself is ignoring reality. He knows how to win. Personally, I like him, but I understand why some people may not. However, one thing is clear: Trump is better than Kamala—not so much because of him, but because of who supports him: Elon.
Elon has extraordinary skills, and having him involved in the government should be a brilliant move for all Americans. That’s undeniable.
The problem with Colombia is that there’s no one like that, not even close. The far-right is a myth here. There’s no true free-market system like there should be. There’s nothing comparable to Milei. The closest person is (Vicky Dávila), a woman who talks about reducing the size of the state and has exposed Petro’s corruption scandals. However, leadership by a woman in Colombia is very challenging.
Colombia has many problems, and I doubt a woman could successfully lead. There's drug trafficking, criminal gangs, and guerrilla groups, and these issues are better tackled with a man in charge. The problem is that such a man doesn’t exist. Here, there's a small elite that pretends to be right-wing just to hand out contracts and positions to their business friends. (In Colombia, the right and left are essentially the same).
For now, Vicky Dávila is an outsider. She hasn’t been involved in politics and wants to reduce the size of the state and fight crime. That’s the news, but we’ll see how it unfolds. And she’s beautiful too, which is important in every aspect.