The devotion to politicians in Colombia is very common, adoring them as semi-gods and superior beings, following them almost with religious fervor – let's remove the adverb 'almost,' which generally is unnecessary: with religious fervor, blindly and abjectly – is one of the essential attributes of politics and power, whose representatives are often invested with a kind of supernatural force, a charisma before which their followers kneel, blissful, in ecstasy.
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The devotion to politicians in Colombia
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The devotion to politicians in Colombia is very common, adoring them as semi-gods and superior beings, following them almost with religious fervor – let's remove the adverb 'almost,' which generally is unnecessary: with religious fervor, blindly and abjectly – is one of the essential attributes of politics and power, whose representatives are often invested with a kind of supernatural force, a charisma before which their followers kneel, blissful, in ecstasy.